Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Eventful Day.

Where to start?  I'm not sure, what is the proper way to write a blog?  I'm sure I could google it and there would be a million answers... But I'll just do it my way, I'm sitting here and (well actually laying here) wondering if it's hard for people to sleep in bed while their significant other is on their laptop?  I'm only wondering because my husband is sleeping with his head almost on my computer :)

So this morning I was supposed to wake up early and organize coupons, nope, didn't happen.  So I was trying to organize them before going to the store, it was like 80% organized.  We rushed out of the house to remember that I needed brake pads.. Really needed them, so I went to drop off coffee at my mom's house, and it begins... She needs a ride to my sister's, ok no big deal.  Get there blah blah ok 45 minutes later, we are on the way to Stop & Shop.  By now kids are getting restless in the car, luckily I didn't have too many things to get at this store.  Well little Miss was not behaving herself at all in the store.  I don't like Stop & Shop's 2 kid carriages, they suck, I like Targets the best!!!! Market Basket is ok too.  So she was walking and Mr. was in the cart, this all took around 1 full hour, screaming Ariana and Jordan decided to tell me 1000x "I poop't" very loud.  Now I leave there after going through self checkout and having the coupon machine try to steal my coupons... I am fading...patience thinning, Dunkin' Donuts is where I should have gone next.. Nope to Target, stayed in the car, Rachel just ran in, then ATM, then brake pads, Wellington, dropping Rachel off, calls 5 minutes later is going home now.  Now I'm home and I start doing some cleaning crap.  I don't like to clean regularly, I go on cleaning sprees where I will do what I call a major "douching" of the house (No offense).  But today I felt like cleaning ceiling fans, I always get distracted while cleaning and end up doing something pointless, like cleaning ceiling fans.  

Ate lunch in between all that somewhere with little Miss while Mr. took a nap.  Made videos with them singing songs, Jackie came over and watched kiddo's while Hubb was changing my brakes and Sam and I were off to bootcamp! YES! This is soo what I had been looking forward to all weekend!  We got to do the prowler.. Which I have a love hate relationship with... Felt awesome, got home Billy figured out I didn't actually make it full food shopping today so he drove Jackie home and got some pizza.  As he pulls in the driveway, I get a call from my Jackie saying my younger brother fell and she thinks he broke his wrist.  Ok, where is mom?  AA meeting.           Great, she sends me a pic of it, it looks pretty bad so I say ok I'm coming to take him to the ER.  Oh yes my night was fun...  We get there, well I'm not his mother, so they won't treat him. . .  Why does my mother shut her phone off the entire time! ? ! ?  Ok so we wait, finally talk to her, they do xray, she gets there, not broken, ok peace I'm outta here!

Get home, finally in bed trying to relax and all I can think about is how I should be getting my coupons and list very ready for market basket tomorrow......

&&& The happiest birthday wish EVER!! To the most amazing, sweet, wonderful Mother in-law !!! Hope it's perfect.  I'm still trying to think of the most amazing gift for her.. 

And still thinking for a name for my blog :) Goodnight fellow bloggers and late night readers, Hoping for an amazing sleep for an amazinnnggg start to my tomorrow.  

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